So - here's one of the books I'll be working through. This is quite a new one, but the approach called to my faddy self. His idea is that there are many ways to meditate, but a lot of us seem to have an idea we have to be peaceful to begin, sit on the floor with incense, and compose ourselves to think of nothing for maybe hour! In other words, our idea of perfect meditation right from the start. It's so perfect, it's not doable. He suggests we junk this idea, and instead spend 3 minutes every day doing a meditation technique. Each technique is practiced for 7 days, so you get a feel for it. Then you move on to the next one. And go on like that for 14 weeks. So that because its such a small amount of time, you'll feel its doable to try. One of my biggest problems with anything spirituality related is my inability to be consistent with a practice. I'm either working 14 hours a day (summer) or I'm frantically trying to catc...